Wednesday, 22 May 2019

e vilage

on the 9th of may our school went to the e village it was loads of fun. When we were there we got to ride electric scooters. We got to see why were are using electric vehicles.and they're putting pads under the road that's charging the electric vehicles. And I find it amazing how technology has become so advanced and amazing.When we were there we saw the new electric motorbike and it had the biggest battery it was so big it wasent allowed on the road it isn't that amazing. We also learnt about robots and it was crazy we could make a route on an iPad!!! isn't that amazing.


  1. Wow Seve!! Your trip to the electric village sounds awesome! That electric motorbike must have been weird looking, where was the massive battery located on frame? Did you get to sit on it?

  2. Hi, Seve

    Perfect amount of writing! I like how you made the text bigger to show that it was a huge battery! Nextime try to add at least one more photo.

  3. Hola Seve,
    The electric scooter looks fun and you did great writing.Maybe you could add a bit more detail.
    Adiós Amigo From Shea


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