Wednesday 27 June 2018

Facts about Avila Beach

Related imageWhere I am in Avila Beach visiting my grandma and grandpa we decided to go to the beach. First we had to go to lunch so on the way to Taco Bell [yum yum] my grandpa told me a story. The Native American Indians used to call Avila Beach hole in the sky. It is sunny almost all the time but around us is fog and mist.The scientific reason for this amount of sun is because it is the only beach that faces south while most California beaches face west. When all of the pilots fly above they always see Avila Beach because it is the hole in the sky.

Related imageThe Avila pier is 513 meters long. One year ago the pier was shut down because 2000 people from the beach rushed onto it to view the hump back whales going by and the pier cracked.

Related imageAnother catastrophe which struck Avila Beach was the oil spill in 1980. Several oil tanks on a hill above Avila beach started to leak. This caused contamination under the town. The result was  all of the buildings had to be torn down and rebuilt in addition to replacing the sand. Thousands of truck loads of sand had to be brought in to replace the contamination. After all the repairs the town looks brand new.

Overall it was a fun day at the beach.



  1. Seve - you are being a great tour guide!!! Thank you for sharing so much interesting information with us! I would love to fly above and see the 'hole in the sky'. The pier looks like it is pretty impressive to walk along too. The Moana 3 kids enjoyed reading your post this morning and it has inspired those due to go on holiday too... I hope to be reading more from Tour Guide Seve soon! Koka Ngaire :-)

  2. Hi Seve, It's Charlie K, your blogging buddy. I really like how you added lots of those cool facts and stories about Avila Beach. This time at the beach reminds me of a time where I travelled to Tolaga Bay and spent the day there. Is this the first time you have been to Avila Beach? How long did you stay there? That sounded like a really fun time.

    From Charlie K

  3. KIA ora my name is Tu pakari I really like that your next to a beach and that you do cross cuntry but you don't really do that much running but we go around the domain witch is very long and tiring

  4. Hello Seve,
    I liked how you told me what you did at the bay and the story was really cool. Imagine thousands of trucks loading sand. This reminded me of the pier that they had in Hawaii because if you go all the way to the edge you can see whales in the distance.


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